PEEPDF : A One Stop Tool for PDF Document Forensic Analysis

 Peepdf is a tool for the forensic analysis of pdf documents. Most social engineering attacks use a malicious PDF document embedded with java scripts & shell-codes.

It can analyze suspicious objects & data streams within a PDF document. With some extensions installed, a security researcher can analyze the java-scripts & shell-codes in detail. Precisely some of the top features of peepdf are :

  1. Analyses a PDF document
  2. Extracts data objects & streams
  3. Extracts metadata
  4. Extracts data from encoded & encrypted files also
  5. XML outputs provided
  6. Interactive Console

A security researcher can use this tool either to check for hidden shell codes or java scripts or even standard vulnerabilities like CVE-2013-2729 etc. Another use is obviously for Cyber Forensics.

It can extract all metadata & data streams inside the document so that a Forensic investigator can use this for pattern matching purposes or to analyze the shellcode or simply to extract the metadata & detect the presence of malicious code and use it as evidence.

Options – Peepdf

Syntax: peepdf <options> PDF-FILE
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i, --interactive Sets console mode.
-s SCRIPTFILE, --load-script=SCRIPTFILE  Loads the commands stored in the specified file and execute them.
-f, --force-mode Sets force parsing mode to ignore errors.
-l, --loose-mode Sets loose parsing mode to catch malformed objects.
-u, --update Updates peepdf with the latest files from the repository.
-g, --grinch-mode Avoids colorized output in the interactive console.
-v, --version Shows program's version number.
-x, --xml Shows the document information in XML format.

Lab 1: Install Spidermonkey & Pylibemu

In this lab, we’ll install 3 additional packages in order to be able to analyze javascript & shellcode. The packages are:

  1. libemu – basic x86 emulation and shellcode detection
  2. Pylibemu – Python Wrapper for the libemu library
  3. Spidermonkey – Javascript Engine

Step 1: Install Libemu

First, we have to install required dependencies & python files.

apt-get install autoconf libemu python-dev python-lxml python-pyrex

Clone the package from Git. Make sure to have git-core installed. Kali comes with git pre-installed.

git clone git://

Configure & Install libemu from git.

cd libemu/
autoreconf -v -i
./configure --enable-python-bindings --prefix=/opt/libemu
make -j4
make install
ldconf -n /opt/libemu/lib

Step 2:  Install Pylibemu

Again clone from git

git clone

Install pylibemu

echo "/opt/libemu/lib" > /etc/
python build
python install

Step 3: Install Spidermonkey

apt-get install python-pyrex
svn checkout python-spidermonkey
cd python-spidermonkey
python build
python install

Execute peepdf and see if packages are correctly installed. Just try any PDF file against it.

peepdf evil.pdf <replace with yous>